Category Archives: Motorcycles

Winter is coming, dear Snow

Dear Snow, winter is coming.

But, before that happens, bhery bhery bhelcome. u plis cum in2 d garage bhery soon. I know, I know, winter is coming is really scraping the bottom. But that’s how I feel with the current motorcycle. Though it does what it is supposed to, 2 years is about as long as it took to look for something better(?) or maybe just newer. Continue reading Winter is coming, dear Snow

Royal Enfield Bobber – ThunderDuck v5

ThunderDuck v5 was to transform to into a Royal Enfield Bobber. This motorcycle started off as a stock Royal Enfield ThunderBird, about 12 years ago.  I have wanted to make one of these for a while now. ThunderDuck had been lying idle at home for about 18 months. It had to go away or become something else that I could build as a project. Continue reading Royal Enfield Bobber – ThunderDuck v5

New 46 – HotFix

Its been close to ten years of riding the ThunderDuck. Well here is the replacement for this motorcycle, a new Bullet 500.

As the only travel motorcycle over this period, ThunderDuck has served pretty well. Its been with us on some amazing experiences and has had its ups and downs. After lusting, waiting, justifying, looking longingly at my bank balance… I came to the decision that to travel and experience India two-up comfortably and fully loaded, nothing really beats a Royal Enfield, to this day. At least, from a value for money point of view.

The two 46 numbered Royal Enfields Continue reading New 46 – HotFix