Category Archives: Knowledge Base

DSLR tank bag review: ViaTerra Fly Universal

On a whim, I picked up a ViaTerra DSLR tank bag to see how it would be after using two trusty old Cramster Turtles over time. Cramster Turtle was on its last legs, and I needed a DSLR tank bag to replace it. If you need more accurate information, leave a comment at the bottom, and I will update this.

Continue reading DSLR tank bag review: ViaTerra Fly Universal

Royal Enfield Bobber – ThunderDuck v5

ThunderDuck v5 was to transform to into a Royal Enfield Bobber. This motorcycle started off as a stock Royal Enfield ThunderBird, about 12 years ago.  I have wanted to make one of these for a while now. ThunderDuck had been lying idle at home for about 18 months. It had to go away or become something else that I could build as a project. Continue reading Royal Enfield Bobber – ThunderDuck v5

Motorcycle battery – Top 5 tips

Motorcycle battery maintenance is nowadays becoming irrelevant. Some of the new batteries on the market are sealed and come with 48-60 month warranties. 4-5 years i.e. Just crazy, compared to the batteries just a few years ago. And, with zero maintenance to the actual electrolyte level itself.

Very soon, if Elon Musk has his way, this article itself will be irrelevant. The kind of change in the electricity storage scene, especially with Tesla, is mind boggling. Continue reading Motorcycle battery – Top 5 tips