All posts by Abhi

Returning from BoBMC RiderMania 2016

If you have been following the BOBMC RiderMania 2016 story till now, the event was done and dusted and the only thing remaining was us returning from BoBMC RiderMania 2016. I spent a good deal of time dusting and cleaning the motorcycle, after parking in the field of dust. It has been a long event, and our tent #14 was almost deserted. Continue reading Returning from BoBMC RiderMania 2016

Royal Enfield Himalayan 5000km Review

Having bought the Royal Enfield Himalayan earlier in 2016, I am now writing the 2nd instalment in the long term ownership series. This post is the Royal Enfield Himalayan 5000km review which covers service recalls, quality, mods and general thoughts around how this motorcycle has fared for me over the last few months. I finished 5k mid-August 2016, about three months after having bought it. If you do not have time and want to read the Royal Enfield Himalayan 5000km review in short with my recommendation, skip directly to the end of this post.  What feedback do you have for me? Feel free to leave a comment. Continue reading Royal Enfield Himalayan 5000km Review

BOBMC RiderMania 2016 Photos

Plenty of BOBMC RiderMania 2016 photos from the various events, pepper this page. I am not sure if the order of these pictures is perfect. After a good rest from yesterday’s ride, things are a bit hazy. This is how it looked in the morning from our hotel room up there, as riders came in.  We got ready to head to the venue about 20 kilometres out of Nagpur.

BOBMC RiderMania 2016 photos parking
The gathering of RTMC riders

Continue reading BOBMC RiderMania 2016 Photos

BOBMC RiderMania 2016 – Reaching Nagpur

Day 2 of riding to BOBMC RiderMania, we started out from near the outskirts of Hyderabad. Which also meant having to cross Hyderabad in traffic. It was a beautiful sunrise this morning, and everyone needed to make good time to reach Nagpur. Over 600 kilometres to cover. Continue reading BOBMC RiderMania 2016 – Reaching Nagpur